by cpllc | Oct 31, 2019 | Century Events, Century Team, Uncategorized
It’s Halloween! Time to dress up in your favorite character. And we do in style! Have fun this evening but by all means be careful! #centuryproductsllc...
by cpllc | Oct 28, 2019 | Climate Change, Sustainability, Uncategorized, Water
Today, while performing a little research on this topic, I ran across an article written by Lindsey Galvez on “The Neighborhood” In her post, Lindsey gives some very good tips on how all of us can work to save one of the most precious resources we have: water. It’s...
by cpllc | Oct 21, 2019 | Cleaning, Kitchen, Restaurant Cleaning, Uncategorized
Choosing the ‘right tool for the job’ has always been a mantra at Century Products. And when it comes to professional grade cleaning tools, choosing the right bristle is as important as selecting the right tool that will be the most effective. To prevent bacteria...