You know that everything you touch could be a source for germs and bacteria. From your desk at work to your cellphone to your bathroom sink faucet, germs have a lot of hiding spaces. While there are some common places most of us consider germ hot spots (restrooms!), there are some surprising germ spots some of us tend to forget.
- Gas Pumps. Next time you fill up your car, make sure to use hand sanitizer before you drive away from the gas station. Researchers have found that about 71% of gas pump handles carried germs that could make you sick.
- Buttons. Elevator buttons, microwave buttons, soda machine buttons and ATM buttons are all germ hot spots and many of these buttons do not get cleaned and sanitized regularly.
3. Restaurant Menus and Condiment Bottles. While many restaurants are great at cleaning and sanitizing tables, countertops and other surfaces, menus and condiment bottles can sometimes get overlooked. After you order, make sure to wash your hands before the food arrives.
4. Your Car. Be honest, when is the last time you cleaned and sanitized the inside of your car? You likely drive it several times a day and touch the steering wheel, gear shift, dash board and radio/CD/MP3 Player buttons. Make sure to dust, vacuum and wipe with sanitizer wipes often to get rid of germs and bacteria.
5. Your Purse (or wallet). Purses, handbags and wallets can be hotbeds for germs. Many of us (myself included) put our bags on the floor, then move them to a surface like a counter or table, which can spread germs. Purses also tend to be dark and warm on the inside – two of the things bacteria love most. To reduce germs, keep your bag open to avoid moisture buildup, empty it out often and clean the contents and dump out any crumbs living inside.