Yesterday, Century Products held its kickoff meeting for the American Heart Association Heart Walk that will be held in Greensboro, NC on Saturday, May 18th, 2019 beginning at 8:00am. An annual event, the premier walk is a designed to raise funds to save lives from the No. 1 and No. 5 killers in the U.S. –  heart disease and stroke. The walk itself is designed to promote physical activity and heart-healthy living in an environment that offers fun for all participants. Imagine the impact if death and disability from cardiovascular disease and stroke was reduced by 20 percent by 2020! Century Products is participating to promote physical activity to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke for their loved ones and themselves. Please consider helping us reach our lifesaving goal by donating today. Together, we can make healthier, longer lives possible for everyone.


Why? … Life is why.






Heart Smart Tips:

  • Watch how many painkillers you take (NSAID) – taking NSAIDS increase risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.
  • Take the lowest effective NSAID dose for a short period of time to relieve symptoms.
  • CoQ10, a heart helper is a powerful antioxidant that helps support heart health.
  • Watch the salt. 2,300 mg is the recommended limit a person should have per day.
  • Potassium Power – a vital mineral that relaxes blood vessels, which help control blood pressure. Aim for 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily (1 cup cooked spinach, 8oz. plain nonfat yogurt, 4oz. baked sweet potato, 4oz. prune juice, 1 cup cooked broccoli, or 3oz. cooked salmon).
  • Ease into exercise – if you’ve been a couch potato for a while, check with your doctor before starting any exercise routine and start with slow to moderate intensity and move up.